When the dancer disappears, the dance remains...

Leading to the dance of heart...

Dance as if nobody is watching. Enjoy each step along the way that takes you into the unknown space.  Let go and allow your life play out its dance on the edge of time like dew drops on the tip of a leaf…melt into the moment that is available!

Enjoy learning with our team

We aim to bring out the best in every child, through the wonderful world of singing dancing and acting, which goes some way in building confidence and self-esteem for many youngsters.

We offer children and young people, from diverse backgrounds and cultures, the opportunity to take part in the performing arts, at an affordable cost, opening up their inspiration to unlock creativity, develop new skills, build on those they already have and build confidence and self esteem. They also have the opportunity to perform in Reach’s productions as well as participation in local events and Lawrence Batley Theatre shows, such as pantomimes, Jump and Shout and Strictly Pennine Dance Festivals.


Covers many styles, including jazz, contemporary, lyrical and musical theatre, designed to develop strength, poise, proficiency and technical ability.


Aims to develop young voices and vocal quality and techniques.


Includes theatre and television techniques, script work, mime, improvisation and physical theatre, which is not only fun but also preparation for attending casting opportunities.

We provide a safe working environment within the professional facility of HD1 Dance, where young people can choose to study the performing arts for fun or future careers.

Want to join us?

We make you dance. Want to?

Book your place

3 Class a Week

Billed monthly

£27 / Month
  • 3 Classes
  • Dance
  • Singing
  • Drama
Enroll Now